Final book cover and other news

The problem with social media is that sometimes you forget to post where you're supposed to. I think I need a social media flowchart. Something that reminds me what to do.  Something like "If it's about this topic and it's in this format, post here and here and here."

I've updated the book cover everywhere else (Flickr, Facebook, Google Plus, the book website) and I forgot this blog! Actually, I even forgot Twitter! *sigh*

Anyway, here's the final version of the book cover (linked from Flickr).
"Love, Like Dim Sum" book cover

The description in Flickr is as follows:
I wasn't quite happy with the concept I originally had.  Then when I was at the grocery store, waiting in line for the checkout, I looked over the romance paperback books that were near the cashier.  I realized that non-fiction book covers tend to have a simple background; some are just plain white.  Meanwhile, the romance novels have pictures of beautiful women (or hunky men) on the covers.  And books about Second Life have pictures of avatars on the front cover, of course.

So I combined all three concepts and came up with this.
So far, I've gotten good feedback about this design.

The reason this came to the forefront of my mind again is because of the Poetry Fest in the Milk Wood sim.  I'm only allowed 5 prims, so I had to redo the poster so that people could click on "buttons" for the website, the FB page and the G+ page, while using only one prim for the poster.  (If you want a copy of the poster, please IM me inworld.)

The book is still in editing.  My new target release date is in May 2012.  Even after its release, I'm still very open to feedback for the paper version and for reprints.