The Second Life 9th Birthday celebration is coming to a close tonight. The sims will be closed by 11:59pm. The last of the events ended last Sunday and I also did a book reading at noon on Sunday.

I got very good feedback about the exhibit. And two people asked about purchasing a copy, so I have to pack it in a rezzer this week. Others sent feedback by IM. A blogger sent me a link where it was mentioned.
Last call
Tomorrow June 28 Thursday, the book will be free for the last time. I timed it so that anyone who comes to the SL9B celebration and learns about the book can get a chance to get it free.
Amazon's KDP Select program allows me to offer it free for five days and tomorrow will be the fifth time. The book's enrollment in the program ends in early August (90 days after May 4) and I can choose to renew it for another 90 days. However, the program restricts me from selling the e-book anywhere else, so I don't know if renewing would be a good idea.
My next focus would be on finishing up the back cover and the design of the internal pages so I can set it up for print-on-demand.
So, don't forget tomorrow!